Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just a Little Trim


Today Caleb had his hair cut for the first time. He was ok while our friend Amy combed it down but the minute she tried to cut it he didn't want to hold his head still. So of course mommy had to be a meanie and hold his head still. When all was said and down it turned out super cute! He actually looks like a little boy now haha.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a Goof

I was sitting just watching Caleb and Midas play the other day when Caleb started trying to fit himself into a box that his Mega Blocks came in. He does this a lot ... even puts it on his head and runs around with it. That day he was just sitting in it and making noises ...
He ended with his head in the box, laughing, and shaking his butt at me ... what a crazy kid.

Lunch Menu: Nap ... with a side of drool

Today Barney went into the shop. Caleb and I drove over to pick Aaron up and then grabbed some lunch before he dropped us off to go back to work. I knew Caleb was already sleepy. He had been rubbing his eyes and yawning but I set him in the highchair and gave him his lunch. Halway through it I looked up from my conversation with Jamie to see him nodding off. Of course I had to grab the camera and take a few pics. I even took him to his room and changed his diaper with outh him waking up. Guess he was more tired than I had thought ...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Re-do Livingroom ... CHECK

After pulling up the nasty, chewed up carpet the livingroom just felt so .... blah. There is a wall in the house where our projector usually goes but we haven't actually been using it since we are trying to prolong the bulb life. So off the KMCC we went. We got a really nice 42 in plasma and then the next day we went back and found a very nice entertaiment center. Last night we set it up and it looks so much better in here ... like we actually live here. haha. But really, I am so very pleased with it I don't even want to leave the room ...
The boys love it ... I think because it's something new and exciting. Not so sure the rug will get to stay since Midas has a thing for trying to play with it like a blanket. We shall see.

Not so Helpful Helpers ... part 2

Once again, Caleb tried helping mommy clean. Once again, he just ended up laughing as Midas ran around trying to eat the broom. This time I got some funny pics out of it and a good laugh when I went back to look at them.
As you can see Midas eventually won the battle of the broom ... until I took it from him :)

Does This Kid Make my Butt Look Big??

Midas has developed a new habbit ... and a sort of dirty one at that. He likes rubbing his pee pee on your feet. As if that weren't nasty enough, Midas has discovered that he can rub it on Caleb's head whenever he falls down.
Poor, poor Caleb ....

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lunch Time at the KMCC

So today after shopping we all got lunch. Aaron always gets an extra set of chopsticks when we eat at the chinese place so Caleb can "drum" on the table and be entertained while we finish eating. The boys had so much 
fun playing with them :)

Mommy's Not So Helpful Helper

 Caleb has this new thing for the broom. If it is left in the livingroom he's runs over, grabs it, and starts swinging it around. Of course Midas has to jump around and try to eat it and then Caleb starts screaming at Midas ... it's a headache. Today we were moving the livingroom around and I had the mop out. Since it looks so much like the broom Caleb decided to "help" mommy mop. He's not hired yet ... maybe in a couple years.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yep, That's a Stop Sign There ...

Today Midas had an appt for his third and last set of shots. Jamie offered to watch Caleb so that I wasn't having to lug both of them around and then deal with Caleb's unwillingness to sit still for a continous 5 minutes. After the appt I was heading back to Jamie's so that Midas and Emma could have some play time and then we could head out to the park. There's a stop sign at the end of the street in front of the school. Now I don't know about you, but when I see a stop sign I STOP. Mostly cause that's what the sign told me to do ... and I also know the MPs and they would have soooo much fun stopping me and being mean just for the heck of it. Well the man who lives at the end of the street was walking into the street at the same time and stopped behind me as I myself was coming up to the line.

Now, being that it is hot this time of the year, I had the windows down, just hanging out with my puppy in the back seat and all ready to spend a happy day with the bestie and the boys when suddenly I hear "Oh my God dumbass, there is no one coming. Fucking go! Jesus."

I look in my mirror and see the guy up my ass with his stroller and little baby and something just snapped. I turned around in my seat and yelled, "Hey Jackass, do you see the mother fucking stop sign???" Then I drove off, nice and slow since school was letting out and I don't want to be killing small children. But let me tell you ... if he hadn't had a baby with him I would have hit reverse. How about you take your lazy ass to the freaking CROSSWALK and then you wouldn't have had to stop behind me in the MIDDLE of the damn road! UGH!

Well ... at least the day has ended on a decent note. Made baked chicken, skillet potatoes, and broccoli for dinner :) and I get to spend the rest of the night with my hubby ... if he gets off of WoW ;)

Let's Not Start That Again ...

I decided when I was little that I would never want to be president. You do so much work and still not everyone likes you. You can never make everyone happy. There are always going to be people who think you are an idiot, who don't think what you are doing is right, who think that you are messing up the country, blah, blah, blah. I find it funny that people who support the president before on everything and get so angry when people speak badly of him will turn around and do the exact same thing to the next president.

Now I will be the first to tell you I hate talking about polotics. I can't stand them and will never discuss it with a friend since no one can ever agree to disagree. However, these last few days, with the healthcare bill going through, more and more people are posting things on FB about how much they hate him and it just gets on my nerves because I know they were the same people saying that if anyone said anything about Bush they would punch them haha.

I don't think it's fair to criticize someone who hasn't even been in office for 2 yrs. I'd like to see these people do a better job. I'm not sure anyone really thinks about how hard it is to stay true to what you believe when you have so many people degrading you.

I just wanted to say that I am proud of every person (Republican AND Democrat) who has had the guts to run and to make it into the Oval Office. They have all made our country what it is and we should stop being so selfish about everything and try working together for once.

Ok ... I'm sorry. This isn't a political blog but I had to get it out of my system. Woo. On another note Midas has his last set of shots. Caleb is staying with Aunt Jamie for a bit so that we can get in and out so YAY! Then after that we are going to have some park time :) Sounds like a good day to me.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Driving in Cars with Bubbles

Since we hadn't gone grocery shopping this week we just did a quick run to BK for dinner. First daddy had to switch the car seat from my car to his car and so that meant that Caleb got to crawl around the car.
He was very upset when he had to sit in his chair and hand the wheel over to daddy. When we got to BK he sat in the high chair and ate animal crackers while he waited for his nuggets. I was talking to Aaron and looked over at him to see globs of drool running down his chin and onto his shirt. When we turned him around he was blowing yummy spit bubbles :/
Aren't the just so lovely?? Luckly his food came and he was more focused on trying to chew and drink from his straw at the same time ...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To Diet or Not to Diet ...

I hate the word diet. It makes me want to grab a bag of chocolate chip cookies and lock myself in a closet so no one can see just how fat I am. I have never been "skinny" or "thin" so that's not what I am aiming for this time around. I just want to be back under 150 lbs and well away from the 200 lbs I am teetering on :/.

 *This was me a few years ago ... I thought I was a whale ...
*This is me now :/ My face is super fat ...

So I am going to try walking everyday agian and cutting all the junk food out of my diet. More chicken! We'll see how it go :)

It's Spring Time!

Finally, Spring is back! It's so beautiful outside today and I hope it stay just like this. Perfect. Jamie and I took the boys down to the park to enjoy the weather and they had a blast. Caleb is obssessed with climb up the slides and Wyatt was having so much fun trying to take the bubble wand from the little boy who was there. Naturally, we took tons of pictures ...

 Caleb and Wyatt pretended not to know each other lol ...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Goodbye Carpet

In the housing on base every apartment has wooden floors. I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate them, but I don't love them. I have this pet peeve about being barefoot, walking on tile/wood floors, and there being dirt on them ... drives me insane. So we got a large section of carpet from my friend and laid it out. For a while it has been nice. I just have to vacuum every now and then and it's easier for Caleb to walk on. Since Midas has gotten here having carpet has been nothing but annoying and frustrating. Not only does he leave stains when he poops on it but he also loves chewing on the edges of it. So we have decided to pull it up and save ourselves the headache and money of buying stain removers. That is the only reason I laughed (instead of yelling) when I walked out to the livingroom and saw Midas caught up in the threads of the carpet that he had unraveled earlier. Oye ... he really is a mess ...

Let Off the Clutch and Pedal to the Medal

So last night Aaron decided that it would be a great idea for me to try my hand at driving stick. We used the old BX parking lot as a driving course. I think I did pretty well for my first time. Even Aaron said I did excelent. Only stalled the car 3 times the whole times and even drove down to the Shoppette. That's where I figured out that going up hill is lots harder than I had thought. Aaron oh-so kindly failed to remind me that the spot he wanted me to park in was on the hill. I guess I didn't keep my speed up and ended up stalling in the middle of two spots. I'm so glad only one person was really wittness to my 5 foot lurch forward (and almost through the brick wall) ... the stranger and Aaron had a good laugh at my expense. Hopefully, with a bit more practice, I'll be able to get it down and perhaps part with my dear Yeti for something much better one gas.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Many Faces of Caleb Ethan

I've always been told I make the strangest faces and I guess that if Caleb got anything from me at all it is the gift of making people laugh with his silly faces. I don't always notice the silliness until I go back through the pictures and I always start laughing ...

Bark in the Park

Midas has been driving me insane all week so that means it is time for Midas to head to the dog park. Hopefully run some of that energy off and calm down for at least the rest of the day. We had very limited time but I felt it was necessary for him to get out even if it was only for an hour or so. We got out there and spent the first half hour alone with just me throwing the ball and having Midas run half way, decide it was too far for him to go, and then come back to lay at my feet. Not my idea of getting the energy out. Lucky for me, a little Yorkie came along. Midas had fun playing and jumping all over her since there was finally a dog smaller than him out there. However, the minute the Husky boys and the Shepard mixes showed up the little Yorkie was gone and Midas tried being big and bad ... and as usual ... he was tossed in the mud. I'm not quite sure he has learned that they are bigger. Soon, very soon my young Padawan, you will be big enough to tackle them too. Unfortunately we couldn't stay too much longer after they all arrived but maybe sometime this week or next weekend we will be able to go back out there.
Here Midas is playing with Rayvin and Odin ... don't know the names of the Husky Boys since the lady who owns them never gets out of the car to play with them.

The Straw Goes in the Hole

Caleb has been able to drink out of a straw for a while now but he was cracking me up today when he was trying so very hard to get the straw back into the apple juice box that comes with kid's meals. He had taken it out to investigate it and knock the box around a little bit and then got thirsty. So naturally he would have to get the straw back in. That proved to be harder than he thought. He was concentrating very hard on threading it through but didn't have the right side going in. He sat there for about 5 minutes before I decided to be nice and out it back in. But of course, after he takes a few sips, Caleb takes it back out and starts all over with the trying to get it back in and doing it backwards. Finally had to help him out again and just kept it in there until I knew he was finished and completely out of juice ... then, of course, he lost interest in it and started acting like the goofy monkey he is.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Digging a hole to ... the neighbor's??

I love my puppy ... honestly. But sometimes I think he does things just to give me stuff to write about. Midas gets up evey day before 8 and barks until my husband lets him out to go to the bathroom. After that Aaron goes to work and usually leaves him the livingroom until I wake up. This morning I came out to see my ONLY bra on the floor and Midas not too far from it. I walked over and snatched it up to find that he had snapped the underwire in half. Wonderful ... now I'm lopsided :/. As if that wasn't enough, right before I was leaving to go buy a new bra I discovered a hole in my wall obviously clawed out by my oh-so-adorable Goldie.
I have no idea what he thought to accomplish by digging through the wall ... but I don't think he got where he was trying to go. Of course he acted all innocent and gave me his best puppy dog eyes ... but I'm not buying it. What in the world am I going to do with him?! I feel like I have a personality clone of Marley! Oye.

On a happier note: The pot roast I am making smells delicious!