Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Messy Messy

This is the THIRD time Midas has gotten ahold of a marker and chewed it up, where else, but on my brand new gold rug. I'm extremely mad at him. This time, instead of finding a red one, he decided on blue. Appearently blue doesn't come out quite as well as red so the rug has a lovely blue tint to it.

This was AFTER I used a cleaner to get it out ... I've tried a few more times but I can still see it. Sigh. Not only is it on the rug, but also on Midas ...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Castle Hike

Sunday we took another hike up to the castle and had a picnic. Caleb didn't want to eat the eggsalad sandwiches we made so he snacked on cheetos and ran around in the field for the most part.

There were a few other couples up there and Caleb thought he needed to tell everyone to "shhhh" for some reason.

On the way back down the hill Caleb thought it was so much fun for Aaron to drag him across the ground. He would hold on to daddy's leg until he gave in and did what he wanted.

Learning the Internet

Caleb has always liked the laptop. He'll stand at it and wait for the fish screensaver to come on and then try to touch them on the screen (he thinks the laptop is like the touch screen monitor at the BX that has a program with fish that swim away when you touch the water). Saturday I sat him on the couch with Aaron and looked back to see him "typing" on the computer. He thought he was the coolest kid ...

Yummy Yummy

While Aaron was TDY last week Caleb and I took a trip to the mall to grab a couple things. While we were up there we picked up some chinese for dinner since I didn't really feel like cooking for just us. I got Caleb his own eggroll, since he ate half of mine the last time we got chinese, and we headed back home to enjoy them. He LOVED it and ended up eating almost the entire thing. I kid you not when I say he left maybe an inch or 2 behind.

Big Boy Time

A couple days ago we decided that Caleb was ready to try sleeping in his toddler bed. He didn't seem too impressed since it was still his crib, just missing the front. He would pat the mattress to be put in and then a minute later he was down again playing with his toys. We left him in there for his nap hoping he would actually sleep. A few times he started knocking on his door (he would knock on the wall in the mornings to be let out of his crib) but he ignored him. An hour or so later, when he hadn't heard him for a while, we went in to check on him.

This is how we found him ... curled up on his blanket on the floor. I'm not sure why he didn't get back in bed. Maybe it was comfy down there.

This morning he brought out the movie Hercules and then ran into his room so I would put it in for him. He climbed into bed and looked like such a big boy. It makes me a little bit sad that he's growing up so fast but on the other hand it's so much fun to watch him do such grown up things