Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby bump and Achievements in October

This October Aaron left CID and went back to the 230th. For his time as a driver he received the Col's coin and an Army achievement medal. They look so nice and it was his first "official" coin.


In other news, the baby bump continues to grow ...We can't wait for December so that we can see little Jensen and have Christmas with both our little guys!!

Baby Swinging

Before Caleb's haircut we brought up Jensen's swing and bouncy seat hoping Caleb would get all of his curiosity out before it was time to keep out of them for good. He thought it was fun to sit in the seat and watch tv and since he couldn't get up into the swing I wasn't really too worried about it. A couple days later I walked in to see what he was up to and found him like this ...

He though it was so funny. He sat there while it I took a video of him kicking off of the dresser so he could rock from side to side.

Caleb's Haircut

So I'm a bit late with this. Caleb got his hair cut 9.15.2010 for the first time by daddy. We got a little fed up with hearing about what a "pretty little girl" we had (not to mention it was getting dirty looking and he sweat a lot) so we buzzed it all off. I was so sad to see it go but I'm sure it feels loads better for him. I nearly cried when Aaron was doing ... he went from baby Caleb to a big boy. Below are the photos of the actual cutting ...

He actually didn't fuss too much. Just sat in the sink brushing his teeth with his brush. Looked up a couple times probably wondering what the heck daddy was doing and why there was hair all over the place. He looks so big now. Good thing we are having #2 because I would have gotten the baby blues after this :)