Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Playing Catch Up

So, it's been a while since we've updated anything on here. We've been a little busy with little Jensen and getting ready to PCS that the blog has taken a back seat. So for people who just don't pay attention on FB or who like the condensed version, this is what has been going on for the last few months.

This November we said goodbye to Midas. It was a hard decision but it was best for him. He's now living with a very sweet German family not far from here who have a yard for him and 6 kids to play with. The family was so excited to get that they didn't even mind his crazy antics. While we miss him, I'm pretty sure he's much happier with his new family :)

 In December we had a couple things happen. On December 7 at 1834 we welcomed Jensen Illidan Crawford. He was 6 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long. Caleb wasn't too fond of him in the beginning but he's warmed up to him a bit now and gives him a kiss every night before bed.

On December 27th we celebrated Caleb's 2nd birthday!! This year we skipped out on a party and will have one for him once we get back to the states and visit everyone in Florida. He's getting so big and sometimes I wish he would just stay this little forever ... sometimes.

Caleb also got to sled for the first time this winter. He wasn't so sure about going on his own, though Daddy didn't give him much choice the first time around and sent him down the hill. He liked it much better sledding with Daddy the second and third time. The activity was short lived since Caleb refused to keep his gloves on and then started complaining about his cold hands. We tried a couple more times after that day but he just wasn't that into it.

Finally, we come to the present ... Jensen is now 2 months old and Caleb has been working very hard on vocab and sign language. He's being a bit stubborn with both. He'd rather play with cars than listen to Mommy and look at flashcards/books/or educational videos. Hopefully we'll see some more progress soon. Caleb also got a brand new do ...

Nice little Mohawk courtesy of Daddy :)