Monday, August 9, 2010

Big Boy Time

A couple days ago we decided that Caleb was ready to try sleeping in his toddler bed. He didn't seem too impressed since it was still his crib, just missing the front. He would pat the mattress to be put in and then a minute later he was down again playing with his toys. We left him in there for his nap hoping he would actually sleep. A few times he started knocking on his door (he would knock on the wall in the mornings to be let out of his crib) but he ignored him. An hour or so later, when he hadn't heard him for a while, we went in to check on him.

This is how we found him ... curled up on his blanket on the floor. I'm not sure why he didn't get back in bed. Maybe it was comfy down there.

This morning he brought out the movie Hercules and then ran into his room so I would put it in for him. He climbed into bed and looked like such a big boy. It makes me a little bit sad that he's growing up so fast but on the other hand it's so much fun to watch him do such grown up things

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