Monday, October 4, 2010

Caleb's Haircut

So I'm a bit late with this. Caleb got his hair cut 9.15.2010 for the first time by daddy. We got a little fed up with hearing about what a "pretty little girl" we had (not to mention it was getting dirty looking and he sweat a lot) so we buzzed it all off. I was so sad to see it go but I'm sure it feels loads better for him. I nearly cried when Aaron was doing ... he went from baby Caleb to a big boy. Below are the photos of the actual cutting ...

He actually didn't fuss too much. Just sat in the sink brushing his teeth with his brush. Looked up a couple times probably wondering what the heck daddy was doing and why there was hair all over the place. He looks so big now. Good thing we are having #2 because I would have gotten the baby blues after this :)

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