Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bossy Britches

January 6, 2012

Today was a pretty good day considering we are all sick and not feeling very well. We started off the day watching Scooby-Do in the livingroom. The boys were eating cheerios by the handful straight from the box. On the tv, Shaggy mentions something about how he is a chicken. Just then Caleb grabs some cheerios, tosses them on the floor and tell me "I'm a chicken. Bawk, bawk, bawk" and pecks them off the floor with his mouth. Later on in the day we went to a friend's house to pick up a package since she is away. I let Caleb bring it inside since I had the other mail and Jensen in my arms. I hear the tearing of paper and turn around to see Caleb trying to open up the package. I told him he couldn't open it since it wasn't his and he had to wait for Ms. Brandy to come so she could have it. Well, that wasn't what he wanted to hear. He cried after I took it from him, saying there was a "choo choo" in there that was his. 

After I finally got him to settle down and stop talking about the train I was obviously hiding from him he decided he needed to boss his brother around some. He's always trying to tell Jensen what and what not to do, but today took the cake. Jensen is teething and has been just plain grumpy the last few days. He started banging on the vacuum while throwing a fit and Caleb, hands on his hips, says "No Baby Jensen!". Well Jensen could care less about anyone getting onto him. It's nap time and no one has brought him his cup. After the second warning Caleb is starting to get mad and tries one more time with "No Baby Jensen!" When Jensen still doesn't listen he points his little finger at him and says very sternly "That's it. Go night night Baby!" 

Jensen is getting big. He points, waves hello and goodbye, claps, and even says some things. His favorite thing is to watch those really depressing ASPCA commercials with all the one-eyed dogs and cats. Anytime it comes on he gets super excited and points and shouts "dog!". I love how big they are getting and that they can finally play well with one another. We're still working on getting Jensen to stop being lazy and walk, but he's pretty determined to stay crawling.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween/Fall mini Shoot

A few days before Halloween we took the boys downtown to a little rest area with a gazebo and a really sweet wooden bridge so I could try to get some pictures of them. I doubt I would have ever really noticed it if Brandy hadn't asked me to take family photos there. The trees are starting to look so amazing here and the leaves have been falling so the setting is adorable for a little shoot. 

Of course the boys didn't want to get any pictures together.

Friday, November 4, 2011

To Buy or Not to Buy

I know we said we'd never went to buy a house in Georgia, but lately I've been thinking maybe it's not such a horrible idea. While trick or treating Monday we find one right down the street from Brandy and Gary that we really liked and may be having a look at it sometime this weekend or next week. 

We are still trying to decide on what we really want to do and are weighing all the options. I'd love to have something other than this apartment. I miss having a yard and room for all of our things. 

Guess we will have to sit down with someone and see exactly what we would be getting into. Either way it's pretty exciting!

Oh oh Cheerios!

Jensen is loving getting to eat cheerios. He gets so excited and starting smashing them and flinging them all over the place. Last night Jensen thought it would be fun to dump out a half full bag of cereal on the floor and then roll in them.

He's so cute I couldn't even be annoyed about the huge, crunchy mess he made.

Sidewalk Chalk

Since the weather has been really nice I've been trying to do more things outside with Caleb. The other day we got some sidewalk chalk so while Jensen was napping Caleb and I decorated the walkway in front of the apartment. 

Halloween/Co. Party

October 28th was 549th's Halloween party, so we had to run and find Caleb a costume since we had waited so long to grab one. We ended up with a baby monkey and a gun toting Cowboy.  The kids all had fun ... except for poor Ally who would have rather been anywhere but there since she wasn't very fond of the masked monsters. We stayed long enough to trick or treat with the other kids and then the boys started getting crabby.

The Southern Belle

Daddy fixing the cowboy's pants

Shooting the monsters

Caleb and Gavin were "partners" haha

Cowboy didn't want to stop playing


Halloween night we went over to the Warnock's to trick or treat in their neighborhood. Caleb had so much fun getting to walk up to the doors with Gavin and Ally .... he didn't even need help from mom and dad.

Monday, October 31, 2011