Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween/Co. Party

October 28th was 549th's Halloween party, so we had to run and find Caleb a costume since we had waited so long to grab one. We ended up with a baby monkey and a gun toting Cowboy.  The kids all had fun ... except for poor Ally who would have rather been anywhere but there since she wasn't very fond of the masked monsters. We stayed long enough to trick or treat with the other kids and then the boys started getting crabby.

The Southern Belle

Daddy fixing the cowboy's pants

Shooting the monsters

Caleb and Gavin were "partners" haha

Cowboy didn't want to stop playing


Halloween night we went over to the Warnock's to trick or treat in their neighborhood. Caleb had so much fun getting to walk up to the doors with Gavin and Ally .... he didn't even need help from mom and dad.

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