Thursday, April 15, 2010

Zune, Zune, Zune

Caleb LOVES to play with Daddy's Zune. The charging dock for it sits in front of the tv so he can just reach it. When daddy isn't paying attention he grabs it and likes to bang it on things or push the buttons to see what it does this time. Sometimes, when he's lucky, the movies pop up and he tries to figure out why they are so tiny and what to really do with it. The other day he grabbed it while Aaron was playing COD and was just being so cute trying make sure Aaron didn't notice he had it ...
Taking the Zune ...
sweeping with the Zune ...
He thought it was funny to bang it on the handle.
This one was right before Daddy noticed and took it away from him :)

Here we go Again!

After taking 4 EPTs and having some blood drawn today the news is official. WE'RE PREGNANT! It's pretty exciting even though I know I've got my work cut out for me. The chart says the baby should be a girl :D I'd LOVE to have a little girl. I go for my first ultrasound in about 3 wks. Currently I'mm about 5 wks along. We're going to have our hands full. oye! Big brother Caleb isn't going to know what to do with a new baby. I'm sure he's going to love having someone else to play with when the baby gets older though.

Bad Midas ...

So we walked out to this sight the other day after hearing little ripping noises. I though Midas was finally getting the leg of his froggy off but turns out it was Aaron's gaming chair :/ Needless to say he was not happy about this.Of course Midas just thinks nothing of it no matter how much you get on to him. He continues to get up on Aaron's foot stool and tries to get on the chair with him while he plays the xbox.

He tries so hard to make everyone believe he is cute and sweet. It's a lie ... please don't be fooled.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Floor Time??

We were out late last night (well, late for Caleb). Whenever this happens Caleb usually falls asleep in his seat. Well, this time was no exception. Aaron carried him up and out him in his room. He looked aound for a second and decided that the floor was as good a place as any to go back to sleep and so there he stayed for about 10 mins until daddy came back in to change him.

Wiesbaden Spring Festival

Today we drove about an hour away to the city of Wiesbaden to check out their spring festival. It's pretty much the same as the one we have right here in Kaiserslautern ... just farther away. Despite that it was nice to get out of the house and spend some time outside walking around.
Caleb tried feeding me his crackers while we took a break and Aaron ate his bratwurst (yucky). At some point we ended up leaving for a bit to walk around the city and ended outside a really pretty church. All in all it was a pretty nice and much needed day with my guys ...

He's so Hood

Just thought I would share this picture of Caleb with his pants falling down. They are 18 month pants and a little bit too big for him so when he was walking around they got caught on his heels and were pulling. This is how they ended up ...


So Easter this year was not what it always is at our house. We aren't really religious so we didn't go to church. We spend all day making Ham, potatoes, greenbean cass, rolls, and pretty much everything else you can find at Thanksgiving. Last year we did nothing of the sort so I was glad we at least did a little bit this year. Brandon, Jamie, and Wyatt came over and we did a ham, tators, and greenbeans cass and the boys played with their baskets. Midas, of course, has taken over the stuffed animals that came with the basket so Caleb has sort of forgotten about those. They didn't have any "baby" Easter baskets so Caleb couldn't really have anything from it ... but next year will be better since he will be older and understand a little more.

My favorite part of Easter day (aside from the food) was trying to get Caleb into his Easter clothes ... what a chore. He hated standing still long enough for me to button up his shirt, didn't want his vest one, and certantly didn't want me to put on his tie ... but in the end all the work paid off. He looked so darn cute!
The pants were way too big on him but the dress shoes helped to keep them from dragging :) He did end up taking them off after he through himself on the ground and we put him in bed ... but at least he kept them on for a little while.