Saturday, April 10, 2010


So Easter this year was not what it always is at our house. We aren't really religious so we didn't go to church. We spend all day making Ham, potatoes, greenbean cass, rolls, and pretty much everything else you can find at Thanksgiving. Last year we did nothing of the sort so I was glad we at least did a little bit this year. Brandon, Jamie, and Wyatt came over and we did a ham, tators, and greenbeans cass and the boys played with their baskets. Midas, of course, has taken over the stuffed animals that came with the basket so Caleb has sort of forgotten about those. They didn't have any "baby" Easter baskets so Caleb couldn't really have anything from it ... but next year will be better since he will be older and understand a little more.

My favorite part of Easter day (aside from the food) was trying to get Caleb into his Easter clothes ... what a chore. He hated standing still long enough for me to button up his shirt, didn't want his vest one, and certantly didn't want me to put on his tie ... but in the end all the work paid off. He looked so darn cute!
The pants were way too big on him but the dress shoes helped to keep them from dragging :) He did end up taking them off after he through himself on the ground and we put him in bed ... but at least he kept them on for a little while.

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