Friday, March 11, 2011

Bribes and Goodnight Kisses

Today was a pretty decent day on the home front. The boys and I took a walk with our friends, Shavonne and Andrew, to the park. It was really chilly and the sun peaked out from behind the clouds maybe once, but that didn't stop the boys from running around and playing in the sand box. They played for a good hour and a half before some nasty looking clouds started rolling in and we decided to head back to the van. While we were out we picked up some lunch and came back to eat before naptime. I guess Caleb had other plans, such as climbing into his dresser drawer to put a movie in his vcr or getting into the closet that doesn't have a lock. After a solid hour of playing he finally zonked out. After naps I decided to try and get a picture of both Caleb and Jensen together. Since the day Caleb met Jensen he has had a very strict "not touching" rule. The only time it is ok for them to come into contact is when Caleb initiates the contact (usually in the for of a bedtime kiss or a pat on the head). He also usually refuses to sit within reach of him which has made getting a picture of them together almost impossible.

It took me 3 month (and some gummy bears) but I finally got a decent picture of them ...

I even talked him into giving him 2 kisses ... only one really turned out cute since I snapped the other as he was pulling away.

He must have been on a roll tonight because, without being asked, he gave us all goodnight kisses and practically put himself to bed. He's growing up way too fast ...

On another note: We got the dates for our housing pre and final ispections today. That means I have to bust my butt and get this house cleaned up before they come look at it. *sigh*

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