Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Big Changes

I can now count on my fingers and toes how many days we have left in Germany. It's scary and exciting all at once. On one hand, I'm excited to be going home to see everyone and have all the convinces of the States back. On the other hand, I'm seriously going to miss Germany and all the wonderful friends I've made here. It's crazy to think we won't be coming back after our "vacation" back home but we plan on requesting it again in future.

This week we sign over our van and scramble to get rid of everything that we are not having packed and shipped to Georgia. I didn't think we had so much junk in our tiny apartment but I'm starting to see just how many useless things we've acquired over the last 2 and a half years. We've been busy sorting through papers and clothing, trying to figure out what we will need to keep with us and what can go in a box. We are still waiting on Jensen's passport and birth certificate to get here and I am hoping it gets here within the next couple days since my passport is also with it. Aaron is going to be busy clearing his company and turning in gear before we leave. It feels like we have tons to do and hardly any time in which to get it all done.

Aside from running around like crazy trying to get things around the house finished and still looking for a place in Ga I've been stressing about what in the world we would drive when we get back. We decided to sell the van since the tittle was never switched over and there are so many fees to switch it over, register it in New York, and then change that to Florida, and then find another car until the van is shipped that it's just not worth the money or the hassle. We searched the adds for cars and found nothing we really liked that was decent (or cheap) enough to get us from Tampa to Ft. Stewart. Lucky for us, Aaron's sisters had a car that was sitting unused due to a brake issue, which Aaron can fix with minimal work/money so we got it super cheap. It's a huge relief knowing that we have something waiting for us when we get back. Now we just have to focus on finding a house ...

This is what the car we are getting looks like. It's a 2000 Kia Sephia. Adorable and much better on gas than the van. Can't wait to get back and drive it!!

This is what we were told the interior looks like (obviously not as new and pretty but I'm still happy). We should be getting pictures of the car itself from my SIL soon.

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