Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blustery Day

Today started out alright. The boys and I got up early, ate some breakfast, watched some Sesame Street and then headed out early to my postpartum appt. The wind over here was crazy today and was pushing us all over the road. I hate driving on the autobahn when it gets like that. We got to the clinic an hour early ... perhaps a little too early. Caleb wasn't doing bad while we were in the waiting room. He kept the other people waiting in there entertained by pretending he was stuck on the sign outside the door so he wouldn't have to come sit down and then kept saying "come on!" and trying to get them to follow him around. He even behaved himself in the exam room while the nurse took vitals. It was only after she had left that he decided he was going to be crabby. That was also about the time that his diaper decided it couldn't take anymore and he ended up peeing all down his leg and into his shoes ... it was lovely. We finally finished up and left the clinic. It's a pretty long walk back to the car from Women's Health ... especially with a 2 yr old who feels the need to scream and cry through the hospital while you are trying to push a stroller with a 3 month old who wants out of his carseat. Being outside didn't make it any better. Once at the car he fought getting into his carseat and threw his cup on the floor. Thank goodness there is a tv/vrc in the van or else mommy probably would have gone crazy.

On another note, the search for housing without the dreaded interior wood paneling continues. We've found some that we really like but no reply back from posters. Hopefully we will hear something soon so we know what we need to have money-wise. Aaron should be getting Housing paperwork for over here done tomorrow and our household goods get picked up on the 21st of April. Seems like it's coming so fast!! Money when PCSing is so stressful since you have to pay for everything upfront. The military reimburses you later but it's still hard having to pay for the things you will need before you leave and once you get to your next duty station. We are looking at DLA (which is basically free money to help with expenses) and a couple other options. I'll be so happy when this move is over and all of ours things have made it over safely. Right now we are just taking it a day at a time and trying to de-clutter the place before the movers come.

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