Friday, March 18, 2011

Out to Dinner

Last Sunday night Aaron had the brilliant idea that we should go to Chili's for dinner. I'm not a fan of the Chili's on base but it's one of 3 (I think) sit down restaurants here. Slim pickings. There was a 45 minute wait once we got there so Caleb ran around the lobby that Chili's shares with another restaurant (J.R. Rockers), the coffee stand, and the Enlisted Club. He had a few other kids to play with (one of them being the son of a guy who actually works with Aaron) until we got called to be seated.

I had really hoped Caleb had gotten all of his craziness out while running around, but that was a silly wish. He spent the majority of the time trying to get the poor guy on the other side of our booth to play with his toothbrush or pretending like his cars were going to fall over the edge. 

Here he is with his toothbrush (a very random item that I found floating around in my purse). There is never a wrong time for good oral hygiene! 

This is Aaron and Caleb's version of the famous Cadillac Ranch ... we dubbed it the Hotwheel Ranch.

Caleb and daddy hanging out, waiting for the food. I love the way Caleb has placed the hat on Aaron's head :)

And then there's little Jensen, just hanging out and dreaming of the days he can chow down with everyone else. The rate he's growing it won't be to long.

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