Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby bump and Achievements in October

This October Aaron left CID and went back to the 230th. For his time as a driver he received the Col's coin and an Army achievement medal. They look so nice and it was his first "official" coin.


In other news, the baby bump continues to grow ...We can't wait for December so that we can see little Jensen and have Christmas with both our little guys!!

Baby Swinging

Before Caleb's haircut we brought up Jensen's swing and bouncy seat hoping Caleb would get all of his curiosity out before it was time to keep out of them for good. He thought it was fun to sit in the seat and watch tv and since he couldn't get up into the swing I wasn't really too worried about it. A couple days later I walked in to see what he was up to and found him like this ...

He though it was so funny. He sat there while it I took a video of him kicking off of the dresser so he could rock from side to side.

Caleb's Haircut

So I'm a bit late with this. Caleb got his hair cut 9.15.2010 for the first time by daddy. We got a little fed up with hearing about what a "pretty little girl" we had (not to mention it was getting dirty looking and he sweat a lot) so we buzzed it all off. I was so sad to see it go but I'm sure it feels loads better for him. I nearly cried when Aaron was doing ... he went from baby Caleb to a big boy. Below are the photos of the actual cutting ...

He actually didn't fuss too much. Just sat in the sink brushing his teeth with his brush. Looked up a couple times probably wondering what the heck daddy was doing and why there was hair all over the place. He looks so big now. Good thing we are having #2 because I would have gotten the baby blues after this :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Messy Messy

This is the THIRD time Midas has gotten ahold of a marker and chewed it up, where else, but on my brand new gold rug. I'm extremely mad at him. This time, instead of finding a red one, he decided on blue. Appearently blue doesn't come out quite as well as red so the rug has a lovely blue tint to it.

This was AFTER I used a cleaner to get it out ... I've tried a few more times but I can still see it. Sigh. Not only is it on the rug, but also on Midas ...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Castle Hike

Sunday we took another hike up to the castle and had a picnic. Caleb didn't want to eat the eggsalad sandwiches we made so he snacked on cheetos and ran around in the field for the most part.

There were a few other couples up there and Caleb thought he needed to tell everyone to "shhhh" for some reason.

On the way back down the hill Caleb thought it was so much fun for Aaron to drag him across the ground. He would hold on to daddy's leg until he gave in and did what he wanted.

Learning the Internet

Caleb has always liked the laptop. He'll stand at it and wait for the fish screensaver to come on and then try to touch them on the screen (he thinks the laptop is like the touch screen monitor at the BX that has a program with fish that swim away when you touch the water). Saturday I sat him on the couch with Aaron and looked back to see him "typing" on the computer. He thought he was the coolest kid ...

Yummy Yummy

While Aaron was TDY last week Caleb and I took a trip to the mall to grab a couple things. While we were up there we picked up some chinese for dinner since I didn't really feel like cooking for just us. I got Caleb his own eggroll, since he ate half of mine the last time we got chinese, and we headed back home to enjoy them. He LOVED it and ended up eating almost the entire thing. I kid you not when I say he left maybe an inch or 2 behind.

Big Boy Time

A couple days ago we decided that Caleb was ready to try sleeping in his toddler bed. He didn't seem too impressed since it was still his crib, just missing the front. He would pat the mattress to be put in and then a minute later he was down again playing with his toys. We left him in there for his nap hoping he would actually sleep. A few times he started knocking on his door (he would knock on the wall in the mornings to be let out of his crib) but he ignored him. An hour or so later, when he hadn't heard him for a while, we went in to check on him.

This is how we found him ... curled up on his blanket on the floor. I'm not sure why he didn't get back in bed. Maybe it was comfy down there.

This morning he brought out the movie Hercules and then ran into his room so I would put it in for him. He climbed into bed and looked like such a big boy. It makes me a little bit sad that he's growing up so fast but on the other hand it's so much fun to watch him do such grown up things

Friday, July 30, 2010

He's Still a He

I had my ultrasound appt Wednesday to get all the measuring done on Jensen and to check on the sex. I was waiting to buy things until I knew for sure (even though I trusted what Bergi said) that Jensen was most definately a boy. I wasn't too surprised when he pointed it out on the screen so I'm sure he thought we were the most unexcited parents ever.

Jensen decided to hide his spine up against my hip so the tech spent a whole 10 mins pressing on me trying to get him to move. As a result of him being "difficult" we only got one pic but at least it was a good one ...

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Well, today has been interesting. Took Midas to the dog park to run around since he hasn't been for a couple weeks and it rained yesterday so that blew his chance. As usual he had to pick the one dog who didn't like him to pester and annoy to be his friend. That's just the Midas way I guess. We got home and the boys took their naps and then afterward we called Memaw and Caleb tried out his new potty. We got lucky and he sort of did a tiny little poop (not that he really even noticed that he had done it) and then took off. I let him go without a diaper and kept tugging him over and giving him little snacks for staying on his potty (guess I did the dog training way lol). Eventually he got bored of me singing pattie-cake and took off when he heard daddy come through the door. When I finally got myself off the floor Caleb had made a mad dash out the open door and was dancing around naked in the stairwell. Well, being the super nervous person I am when it comes to toddlers and flights of stairs sprinted for him. I never even saw the pee on the floor until I was slipping in it. I came down hard on my knee and Caleb started cracking up before he realized he was in trouble. My knee still hurts ... :(

On another note, Jensen (which is what we have decided to name baby #2 *Jensen Illidan Crawford) is always quite .... until I set the laptop down at the bottom of my belly. I guess it's intruding too much into his space and he doesn't like it so he starts trying to kick it. Makes me laugh. We go in for our next big appt, which is where they normally tell you what you are having but thanks to Amanda B. we already know :) Guess I'm starting my own football or soccer team over here.

Monday, July 12, 2010

4th of July BBQ

So instead of watching fireworks as one would usually do on the 4th, we just had a BBQ and invited some of the guys from the barracks. Ended up just being a bunch of single guys playing beer pong and acting like fools so wasn't the greatest time but at least we were out of the house. Jamie rented a bouncy and the boys (and later on the drunks) had a blast playing in it.

It was also nice cause Caleb and Wyatt got to run around. Aaron played a mini game off soccer with Caleb who just chased the ball and tried to get to it before Daddy.

Midas also went and had WAY too much fun running back and forth in the taller grass on the hill. He was acting all kinds of foolish.

3rd of July

For some reason, this year the base decided to do fireworks on the 3rd and not the 4th. So that day we went to the little fair type thing they do and ate some food, got on the ferris wheel, and let the boys ride the ponies that were there (Caleb was not very fond of his and demanded to get off). It was super hot that day and there was really nothing to do so we ended up going to the bestie's to cool off and hang out til it was time to watch the fireworks display.

I few hours later we were back trying to beat the rush and find some a good spot to watch the show. Unfortunatel, we got there just in time for the evil June bugs to come out. There were millions (yes, probably and exageration but oh well) and they were actually swarming this poor woman who was camped in front of us D:. Jamie and I had to bat them off with our flip flops while using out battle cry (a lovely high-pitched screach) to scare them off.

Caleb, on the other hand, thought they were the most amazing thing. After Aaron showed him what they were he would catch them in his little chunky hands and then throw them. He spent most of the night chasing them and letting them land all over him while I had a mini heart attack everytime one came within 5 feet of me.

Once the fireworks started he was a bit scared. I'm guessing he didn't like the loud noise since he was trying to watch the display while hiding against me. I ended up covering his ears and he fell asleep ... even with all the popping and banging. Poor kid was tuckered out.


Bath Time

Midas hates bath time with a passion. He won't even go into the bathroom of his own accord and will dig himself in like a stubburn mule. Being pregnant it's a bit hard to put him in the tub so it's now Aaron's job. Tonight is bath night so, yet again, Midas has to be pulled through the hallway. Well he has this really really lovely habbit of peeing when he thinks he's in trouble and, naturally, he sees being pulled into the bathroom as such. So what does my sweet little Midas do?? He pees ... all over my floor.

Lovely ....

On the bright side ... he no long smells like dirty dog. So I guess in some way I've won :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Downtown Park Time

Last month we decided to go to a medieval festival ... unfortunatly we got the date wrong and just ended up going to the park downtown. I really love this place. Everyone goes there for picnics and to play sports. They have a special place for just about every sport and some really awesome playgrounds for older kids. There is large duck pond at one end that's fed from a small stream where kids and dogs can run around and play in. Caleb wasn't sure about it at first. He had no shoes and the water was pretty cold. However, after mommy put his shoes back on he LOVED playing in the water ... and so did Midas.

Caleb was mad about leaving the water but he didn't mind going to get icecream after a walk around the lake.