Sunday, July 25, 2010


Well, today has been interesting. Took Midas to the dog park to run around since he hasn't been for a couple weeks and it rained yesterday so that blew his chance. As usual he had to pick the one dog who didn't like him to pester and annoy to be his friend. That's just the Midas way I guess. We got home and the boys took their naps and then afterward we called Memaw and Caleb tried out his new potty. We got lucky and he sort of did a tiny little poop (not that he really even noticed that he had done it) and then took off. I let him go without a diaper and kept tugging him over and giving him little snacks for staying on his potty (guess I did the dog training way lol). Eventually he got bored of me singing pattie-cake and took off when he heard daddy come through the door. When I finally got myself off the floor Caleb had made a mad dash out the open door and was dancing around naked in the stairwell. Well, being the super nervous person I am when it comes to toddlers and flights of stairs sprinted for him. I never even saw the pee on the floor until I was slipping in it. I came down hard on my knee and Caleb started cracking up before he realized he was in trouble. My knee still hurts ... :(

On another note, Jensen (which is what we have decided to name baby #2 *Jensen Illidan Crawford) is always quite .... until I set the laptop down at the bottom of my belly. I guess it's intruding too much into his space and he doesn't like it so he starts trying to kick it. Makes me laugh. We go in for our next big appt, which is where they normally tell you what you are having but thanks to Amanda B. we already know :) Guess I'm starting my own football or soccer team over here.

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