Monday, July 12, 2010

3rd of July

For some reason, this year the base decided to do fireworks on the 3rd and not the 4th. So that day we went to the little fair type thing they do and ate some food, got on the ferris wheel, and let the boys ride the ponies that were there (Caleb was not very fond of his and demanded to get off). It was super hot that day and there was really nothing to do so we ended up going to the bestie's to cool off and hang out til it was time to watch the fireworks display.

I few hours later we were back trying to beat the rush and find some a good spot to watch the show. Unfortunatel, we got there just in time for the evil June bugs to come out. There were millions (yes, probably and exageration but oh well) and they were actually swarming this poor woman who was camped in front of us D:. Jamie and I had to bat them off with our flip flops while using out battle cry (a lovely high-pitched screach) to scare them off.

Caleb, on the other hand, thought they were the most amazing thing. After Aaron showed him what they were he would catch them in his little chunky hands and then throw them. He spent most of the night chasing them and letting them land all over him while I had a mini heart attack everytime one came within 5 feet of me.

Once the fireworks started he was a bit scared. I'm guessing he didn't like the loud noise since he was trying to watch the display while hiding against me. I ended up covering his ears and he fell asleep ... even with all the popping and banging. Poor kid was tuckered out.


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