Monday, October 17, 2011

The New Place

When we first found out we were coming to Fort Stewart it was so exciting to think that we could finally move on from the apartment living and have the opportunity to rent a house and have a yard for the boys to play in. We were really looking forward to having the space and not having neighbors right on top of us ... literally. Unfortunately, after putting so much money into Murphy we couldn't afford to go that way, so it's back to apartment life for us. At least this time we are on the first floor and have some space out back that Caleb can run around in. 

From the front door before any of our things had been delivered.

Caleb checking out his new room

Tiny kitchen ... I miss my German kitchen!


Livingroom from the kitchen doorway

Hallway from our bedroom

Caleb making a mess in his room and he doesn't even have all his things yet

Checking out mommy and daddy's room

Aaron sorting through the bags 

View of the backyard from the back door

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