Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Savannah - As viewed from a car

JULY 3, 2011

Hinesville isn't exactly my idea of a fun place to live. There isn't much to do so you have to take a drive if you want anything that isn't on post or fishing. Savannah isn't too far and the drive is nice enough. Aaron and I decided we'd had enough of just hanging around the house. The last time we drove to Savannah we saw a bridge in the distance. As much as we had wanted to check it out the first time we hadn't really had the time (or the patience since the boys were both tired and ready to get out of the carseats) so we made it our objective to find our way to it and finally drive over it. We took a different way than last time, cutting through post and then ending up on one of the main roads that goes past a bunch of ranges, training fields, and tank trails. 

I'm big on pictures ... anything and everything. "Look! A squirrel. I know I've seen hundreds of them, but ..." *snaps picture* I can't seem to help myself. I'm sure Caleb and Jensen think the camera is permanently attached to Mommy's face. I always seem to have the most random photos ...

I have to say that Aaron is probably the greatest navigator ever. He can find most anything after just a glance at a map, whereas I need an entire Navy Seal team to lead me to the store. He found the bridge pretty quickly (with only a little help from the super nifty GPS) and we finally crossed it!!

That was it ... pretty anti-climatic to be honest. Just another bridge, but at least we got out of the house.


After our uber exciting bridge hunt, we drove through Savannah and Aaron pointed out some of the things he had seen on the ghost tour he'd gone on that weekend with his squad. It's such a beautiful city and I was a little bummed we didn't have time to walk around like I had wanted, but there is plenty of time for that.

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