Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Visit From Aunt Nichole

JULY 16, 2011

As much as we loved being in Germany we missed having family around. When we came back in May Caleb and Jensen loved having my sisters around so it was nice when my sister and her friend decided to drive up for the weekend to visit and see Savannah. Unfortunately, it rained the whole weekend they were here so we didn't get to do as much as we would have liked. It did let up enough for us to walk through Savannah so on Saturday we drove out around lunch time for some Chick-fil-A before heading into downtown. We walked down Riverstreet and all through the city. It was really nice to stretch our legs and to finally get to see everything up close instead of trying to catch glimpses from the car. 

Jackie and Nichole in front of the Savannah Cotton Exchange fountain

Love him!

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