Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bark in the Park

Midas has been driving me insane all week so that means it is time for Midas to head to the dog park. Hopefully run some of that energy off and calm down for at least the rest of the day. We had very limited time but I felt it was necessary for him to get out even if it was only for an hour or so. We got out there and spent the first half hour alone with just me throwing the ball and having Midas run half way, decide it was too far for him to go, and then come back to lay at my feet. Not my idea of getting the energy out. Lucky for me, a little Yorkie came along. Midas had fun playing and jumping all over her since there was finally a dog smaller than him out there. However, the minute the Husky boys and the Shepard mixes showed up the little Yorkie was gone and Midas tried being big and bad ... and as usual ... he was tossed in the mud. I'm not quite sure he has learned that they are bigger. Soon, very soon my young Padawan, you will be big enough to tackle them too. Unfortunately we couldn't stay too much longer after they all arrived but maybe sometime this week or next weekend we will be able to go back out there.
Here Midas is playing with Rayvin and Odin ... don't know the names of the Husky Boys since the lady who owns them never gets out of the car to play with them.

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