Thursday, March 18, 2010

Digging a hole to ... the neighbor's??

I love my puppy ... honestly. But sometimes I think he does things just to give me stuff to write about. Midas gets up evey day before 8 and barks until my husband lets him out to go to the bathroom. After that Aaron goes to work and usually leaves him the livingroom until I wake up. This morning I came out to see my ONLY bra on the floor and Midas not too far from it. I walked over and snatched it up to find that he had snapped the underwire in half. Wonderful ... now I'm lopsided :/. As if that wasn't enough, right before I was leaving to go buy a new bra I discovered a hole in my wall obviously clawed out by my oh-so-adorable Goldie.
I have no idea what he thought to accomplish by digging through the wall ... but I don't think he got where he was trying to go. Of course he acted all innocent and gave me his best puppy dog eyes ... but I'm not buying it. What in the world am I going to do with him?! I feel like I have a personality clone of Marley! Oye.

On a happier note: The pot roast I am making smells delicious!

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