Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yep, That's a Stop Sign There ...

Today Midas had an appt for his third and last set of shots. Jamie offered to watch Caleb so that I wasn't having to lug both of them around and then deal with Caleb's unwillingness to sit still for a continous 5 minutes. After the appt I was heading back to Jamie's so that Midas and Emma could have some play time and then we could head out to the park. There's a stop sign at the end of the street in front of the school. Now I don't know about you, but when I see a stop sign I STOP. Mostly cause that's what the sign told me to do ... and I also know the MPs and they would have soooo much fun stopping me and being mean just for the heck of it. Well the man who lives at the end of the street was walking into the street at the same time and stopped behind me as I myself was coming up to the line.

Now, being that it is hot this time of the year, I had the windows down, just hanging out with my puppy in the back seat and all ready to spend a happy day with the bestie and the boys when suddenly I hear "Oh my God dumbass, there is no one coming. Fucking go! Jesus."

I look in my mirror and see the guy up my ass with his stroller and little baby and something just snapped. I turned around in my seat and yelled, "Hey Jackass, do you see the mother fucking stop sign???" Then I drove off, nice and slow since school was letting out and I don't want to be killing small children. But let me tell you ... if he hadn't had a baby with him I would have hit reverse. How about you take your lazy ass to the freaking CROSSWALK and then you wouldn't have had to stop behind me in the MIDDLE of the damn road! UGH!

Well ... at least the day has ended on a decent note. Made baked chicken, skillet potatoes, and broccoli for dinner :) and I get to spend the rest of the night with my hubby ... if he gets off of WoW ;)

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