Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My boys

This is the most amazing man in the world and I am so very thankful everyday that he found me! I wouldn't know what to do without him. Looking forward to the rest of my life with him.

This little "sloppy kisser" is Caleb Ethan. He makes every minute of my life interesting and I wouldn't trade him for the world even though he seems to take great pleasure in driving me nuts. He has just recently mastered the art of walking and can now pretty much get into everything.

This little ball of fur is Midas. He is affectionately known as the Paper Monster for his seemingly uncontrollable, and constant, urge to destroy every piece of paper that makes it's way into our home. In this photo he is trying his best too look super innocent after this mess ...

He even knocked over the vacuum cleaner. What a handful. Caleb is pretending to be helpful, but he's actually just playing with the wheels.

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