Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Straw Goes in the Hole

Caleb has been able to drink out of a straw for a while now but he was cracking me up today when he was trying so very hard to get the straw back into the apple juice box that comes with kid's meals. He had taken it out to investigate it and knock the box around a little bit and then got thirsty. So naturally he would have to get the straw back in. That proved to be harder than he thought. He was concentrating very hard on threading it through but didn't have the right side going in. He sat there for about 5 minutes before I decided to be nice and out it back in. But of course, after he takes a few sips, Caleb takes it back out and starts all over with the trying to get it back in and doing it backwards. Finally had to help him out again and just kept it in there until I knew he was finished and completely out of juice ... then, of course, he lost interest in it and started acting like the goofy monkey he is.

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