Monday, March 22, 2010

Goodbye Carpet

In the housing on base every apartment has wooden floors. I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate them, but I don't love them. I have this pet peeve about being barefoot, walking on tile/wood floors, and there being dirt on them ... drives me insane. So we got a large section of carpet from my friend and laid it out. For a while it has been nice. I just have to vacuum every now and then and it's easier for Caleb to walk on. Since Midas has gotten here having carpet has been nothing but annoying and frustrating. Not only does he leave stains when he poops on it but he also loves chewing on the edges of it. So we have decided to pull it up and save ourselves the headache and money of buying stain removers. That is the only reason I laughed (instead of yelling) when I walked out to the livingroom and saw Midas caught up in the threads of the carpet that he had unraveled earlier. Oye ... he really is a mess ...

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