Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Paper Monster Strikes Agian

I have never, and I will never, be know as a very forgiving person. There is just something about people who wrong me that forever changes my view of them. So it should come as no surprise when I say I will NEVER forgive Midas for what he did today.

Anyone who really knows me, understands just how much I love books. I have 2 HUGE boxs full of them in my storage back home and continue to collect them. One day perhaps I'll be able to actually got them altogether in one room specifically for them. Recently I acquired Beowulf. I have been looking for a decent translation of the book that I really like for a couple years now and just found one. I was so excited about it. Well guess who was also excited about it?? Midas ... but for a totally different reason ...He is defiantly in the dog house.

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