Monday, March 22, 2010

Let Off the Clutch and Pedal to the Medal

So last night Aaron decided that it would be a great idea for me to try my hand at driving stick. We used the old BX parking lot as a driving course. I think I did pretty well for my first time. Even Aaron said I did excelent. Only stalled the car 3 times the whole times and even drove down to the Shoppette. That's where I figured out that going up hill is lots harder than I had thought. Aaron oh-so kindly failed to remind me that the spot he wanted me to park in was on the hill. I guess I didn't keep my speed up and ended up stalling in the middle of two spots. I'm so glad only one person was really wittness to my 5 foot lurch forward (and almost through the brick wall) ... the stranger and Aaron had a good laugh at my expense. Hopefully, with a bit more practice, I'll be able to get it down and perhaps part with my dear Yeti for something much better one gas.

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