Monday, October 31, 2011

Reading Time

Cookie Monster

Last Friday was the post-wide yardsale here at Stewart. We drove around trying to find some winter clothes for the boys since we got rid of the majority of their clothes before we left Germany. I didn't even think to keep some of Caleb's long sleeve shirts for Jensen at the time and now I'm paying for it.

One of the first places we stopped at had a couple things for Jensen and Caleb managed to find  a woman selling pumpkin cookies so naturally he had to get a little baggy. Turns out he didn't really care for them so they went to Jensen. He's never actually tried eating any cookie other than the baby teething ones so it was cute watching him try it.

He ended up eating the whole thing while we were at the park after a long day of yard-sailing.

Tina the Turtle

While walking Bella and Peter a few weeks ago Brandy and Tasha found a baby alligator snapping turtle in the middle of the road. It was covered in smelly, dried, mud and wasn't able to open it's mouth. They brought it back with them to the house and the next day while the boys and I were over we washed him off and gave him a little bowl with some water. 

We've been calling the turtle Tina ... thanks to our mini obsession with Napoleon Dynamite. We aren't sure Tina can actually see so we are trying to find a rescue center around here where we can take him/her to ...

Since we don't want to deal with this down the road.

Hanging Out

Puke ... yummy

Woody and Jesse!

:) little man

Colouring with mommy and Ms. Brandy

Jensen was in love with the magnets

Ally showing Jensen how to spell with the magnets

Ladies Day Out ... With the Boys

While the guys were in the field Brandy, Tasha, the boys, and myself did a little shopping at the PX and then headed over to our favorite coffee shop for a treat. Even Caleb got something yummy while we were there.

After finishing up there we trudged through the rain to the truck and headed for Brandy's since Gavin and Ally would be getting home soon. 

Tasha and Jensen playing on the floor

Peter and Bella getting in on the fun

Caleb taking a nap with his "Amommy"

Miss Bella

Caleb playing tug with Bella and Peter

Playing in the rain while waiting for Ally and Gavin's school bus 

They're here!

New Fish on the Block

When we first got our fish tank we bought four fish to go in it. Two of them were the really small basic goldfish and the others were a bit bigger and members of the koi family. The small fish ended up dying within a week ... wasn't too surprised. The fish Aaron had picked died while I was cleaning the tank to first time, so mine was left the lone survivor. It was on it's own for a couple weeks before we decided to get another one for company. Unfortunately, mine died not long after getting the new guy, who's unofficial name is Nemo since it likes to jump up at the filter. 

A week or so later we bought a plecostomus to help keep the tank clean, so it's just been Nemo and the "sucker", as my sisters would call him. The day Aaron came back from the field to do laundry we ran to the store to grab a couple things for him when he went back and since Caleb was good Aaron let him pick out another fish. So here we have Nemo ...

and "the new guy" ...

Thomas Tee

Caleb being a goof and showing off his new Thomas the Train shirt. He loved it so much that he wanted to wear it for the next week ...

Having a Field Day ... or 10

A couple weeks ago Aaron's company went to the field for 10 days so it was just the boys and I around the house. We spent a lot of the time hanging out with Brandy and Natasha to pass the time until the guys got back. When we weren't there we were hanging around the house acting goofy ...

I love this one of them .... Jensen's face kills me!

Figuring out his brother's bed

We ordered a pizza one of the nights and the boys and I sat at the table together to eat. They were so funny sitting there sharing cheerios and giggling about nothing.

Halfway through the field a few of the guys got to come home. Aaron volunteered to stay out on guard so they wouldn't have to bring all of their gear back (he did end up getting a few hours to do laundry). Since Gary came back him, Brandy, and the kids came over for a bit to have a look at Murphy and his brake issue and to look at some clothes they had picked up for Ally. The kids had so much fun running around the apt and playing in Caleb's room ... then they attacked Gary.

All the fun just wore Caleb out. Not even 20 minutes after they had gone he was racked out on the couch ...

Peach Fuzz

Caleb loves watching Aaron shave, but he's never been able to reach the electric razor ... until Aaron set it on the lower part of the bookshelf. I walked out of the bathroom after pulling Jensen from the tub to see Caleb, his hair all slicked back and looking adorable, attempting to shave his face just like Daddy.

He was so careful about it ... he must have been taking very good notes while watching Aaron.

Fishing & Park

When we first got to Hinesville and started looking for housing we stopped by a complex of townhouses that Aaron was interested in. The one that had been listed ended up being gone, but as we were leaving Aaron found a little pond with a track going around it and a park to the side of it. Ever since then he's been itching to get back over to it to see what's in there, but I'm not too fond of the area it's in so we've just always gone to Holbrook which is a little farther away. 

I finally gave in and we drove the 3 minutes over to the pond. Aaron brought his poles and Caleb "helped" him pick out a lure. 

Jensen and I sat and watched the two of them for a bit

Caleb really enjoys fishing with Daddy, but after a little while he gets bored and the play ground calls his name. The three of us ended up on the swings as usual while Aaron finished up on the water.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Waiting on Waffles

Aaron found a biding site a few weeks ago and decided he was going to try and win something off of it. He ended up getting a $45 waffle maker for $10 which was a bit of a surprise. A few days later and it was here. Of course it took us a week to actually use it, but we did eventually get around to making some yummy heart shaped waffles. 

Getting Caught Up


Woo! I am almost completely caught up on here! I can't believe I was so far behind, but with the move and all the annoying issues we have been having blogging wasn't exactly at the top of my list. 

This month we had some park time with the Warnocks before the guys went to the field for 10 days. Caleb loves going to the park on post here so we invited Brandy, Gary, and the kids to join us.