Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bubbles and Trains ... Caleb's Favorite Things!

JULY 02, 2011

Caleb has always been fond of cars and trains ... pretty much anything that had wheels. In Germany it was Chuggington, and while he still loves it, he's been more into Thomas lately. So, of course, he just had to have the Thomas bubble blower he spotted with his eagle eyes at the grocery store. Not only does it blow bubbles, it also whistles when you blow them (double yay for mommy). 

Since he was good most of the day, I took him out in the backyard to try it out while Jensen napped. Caleb was so excited once I showed him how it worked. He stood there dipping it in the little cup of bubbles, then he'd blow a couple bubbles and dance around before popping them.

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