Saturday, October 15, 2011

Trier Trip - April 24, 2011

We decided to make one last trip over to Trier since Caleb and I were both sick the first time we went. Trier is probably one of the prettiest cities in Germany and I was so excited to be returning for a better look. The drive over is so nice and relaxing. The majority of it is country side with farm fields full of cows grazing or flowers growing. Just a pleasure to look at and a nice break from the city. 

Just a glimpse of the vineyards that line the hills.

Love all the flowers that grow in the Spring. The fields were full of them on this trip. 

Once we got into the city we parked in one of the garages and walked downtown to the Porta Negra (Black Port). It's an old Roman port that's open for the public to walk through and has a small museum attached to the side. We ended up skipping the museum since we had walked through it once before and I didn't want to have to keep Caleb from touching every single thing. Instead, we hit the walkplatz to see some of this things we hadn't gotten to see the first time.

Caleb and Jensen sitting outside the Porta Negra

Loved this house.

Aaron and Caleb walking around the city.

We stopped for some lunch halfway through our day and Caleb got to chose so of course it was McDonald's. Aaron and the cashier had a slight misunderstanding and we ended up with 4 happy meals instead of the 4 piece chicken nugget happy meal Aaron thought he was asking for.

Caleb wasn't even sure what to do with all of them.

The boys were so good on the trip and we ended up getting to see all the big cathedrals and beautiful architecture I'd been hoping to see.

Aaron and Caleb outside of a huge bookstore downtown.

Roman Baths 

Such a beautiful cathedral.

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