Sunday, October 16, 2011

Last Night in Germany/PCS

We spent the last couple nights in the hotel on base and Caleb loved every minute of being somewhere new. He especially liked the shower ...

I'm not sure why, but he wanted to be in it all day long.

Our empty apartment ... it was actually really sad leaving it since it was the first place Aaron and I ever had and the place Caleb and Jensen had been brought home to. Not going to miss being on the 3rd floor though :)

The little guy who kept watching me while cleaned the balcony.

Aaron passed out with Jensen after a long day of cleaning the apartment.

Jensen hanging out on our last night in Germany.

Poor Caleb didn't want to wake up the morning of our flight. He stayed in bed for as long as he possibly could before we made him change out of his pjs.

Even Jensen had a hard time staying awake that morning. He slept the whole way to Frankfurt.

All of our bags packed up and ready to be loaded into the car.

 Frankfurt Airport

Caleb and Aaron having their favorite Germany gummy bears while waiting for our flight.

Watching the airplanes.

Handsome little man on the plane. 

Caleb on the plane. I can't recall what he was watching, but he was so good and watched his move almost the whole time.

I was really surprised at how well Caleb did on the plane. For the most part he sat in his carseat (which was a huge pain in the butt FYI) with his head phones on watching his movie or playing with the iPad. The only time we really had an issue with him was when we were descending and he thought it would be fun to make loud, ear piercing screeches. I guess he thought it was supposed to be super funny because he laughed every time. I was so glad to land ... until we found out our connecting flight was already boarding and we were on the opposite side of the airport. After literally running through the airport (Jensen strapped to my chest and pushing Caleb in the stroller while Aaron struggled to carry all of our luggage) we finally made it to the terminal. First we were told we were going to be the last to board ... until a crew member came out saying that we couldn't get on. Thankfully, a few of the other crew members fought to get us on the flight and we were finally headed to Savannah!!

Caleb wasn't as well behaved on the connecting flight so we were glad it wasn't too long. Jensen slept in my lap the whole time. It was such a relief to land in Savannah and know I didn't have to get on another plane anytime soon. Aaron's sister was nice enough to drive up from Florida to pick us up and then drove us down to Tampa.

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