Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Ally!!

AUGUST 20, 2011

We've made really great friends in the Warnocks and I'm so happy about it. I didn't think I'd like anyone as much as I like Brandy so it's such a relief. 

Their little girl Ally had a birthday party on the 20th so we went over to help celebrate. Caleb loves to play with both her children (Gavin is a little older, but Caleb thinks he is just the coolest person ever.). He had so much fun and wanted to be a part of everything Ally did ...

 to include helping her blow out her candles ...

Gavin has a really cool model train layout that fascinates Caleb ... not to mention he's got the coolest collection of Thomas train sets ever. Caleb even has boxes at their house with trains they have pulled out for him to play with and he never wants to come back home after spending the day there. 

Caleb and Peter looking at Gavin's train.

Ally trying very hard to teach Caleb how to hop on one leg

He didn't quite grasp it ...

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