Monday, October 31, 2011

Having a Field Day ... or 10

A couple weeks ago Aaron's company went to the field for 10 days so it was just the boys and I around the house. We spent a lot of the time hanging out with Brandy and Natasha to pass the time until the guys got back. When we weren't there we were hanging around the house acting goofy ...

I love this one of them .... Jensen's face kills me!

Figuring out his brother's bed

We ordered a pizza one of the nights and the boys and I sat at the table together to eat. They were so funny sitting there sharing cheerios and giggling about nothing.

Halfway through the field a few of the guys got to come home. Aaron volunteered to stay out on guard so they wouldn't have to bring all of their gear back (he did end up getting a few hours to do laundry). Since Gary came back him, Brandy, and the kids came over for a bit to have a look at Murphy and his brake issue and to look at some clothes they had picked up for Ally. The kids had so much fun running around the apt and playing in Caleb's room ... then they attacked Gary.

All the fun just wore Caleb out. Not even 20 minutes after they had gone he was racked out on the couch ...

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