Friday, October 21, 2011

Mini Roadtrip!

The last time we were in Savannah was when we landed at the airport. We didn't have any time to look around aside from the closest Walmart (Caleb had peed through his diaper the last leg of the flight so we had to grab him an outfit) and the Chick-fil-a (it had been forever ... I needed it). Savannah isn't very far from Hinesville so we decided to take a drive down to check out downtown, the mall, and Tybee Island.

 Some place near downtown ... Honestly, I have no idea what it was, but I liked it.

Shop on Tybee Island. Caleb loved the shark.

Bass Pro Shop at the Savannah Mall.

Caleb loved seeing the fish!

Hanging with Daddy

Fountain in the mall

Kitty outside after we got home. Caleb has a love/fear relationship with this guy.


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