Monday, October 31, 2011

New Fish on the Block

When we first got our fish tank we bought four fish to go in it. Two of them were the really small basic goldfish and the others were a bit bigger and members of the koi family. The small fish ended up dying within a week ... wasn't too surprised. The fish Aaron had picked died while I was cleaning the tank to first time, so mine was left the lone survivor. It was on it's own for a couple weeks before we decided to get another one for company. Unfortunately, mine died not long after getting the new guy, who's unofficial name is Nemo since it likes to jump up at the filter. 

A week or so later we bought a plecostomus to help keep the tank clean, so it's just been Nemo and the "sucker", as my sisters would call him. The day Aaron came back from the field to do laundry we ran to the store to grab a couple things for him when he went back and since Caleb was good Aaron let him pick out another fish. So here we have Nemo ...

and "the new guy" ...

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