Sunday, October 16, 2011

Busch Gardens - Tampa, Fl

May 5, 2011

After we had a couple days to settle in and see everyone, Aaron and I decided we needed to get out of the house and take the boys somewhere fun. Busch Gardens gives military members free entry once a year to it's park and it had been over 3 years since we had been so that's where we headed. Unfortunately for Aaron we only got to ride one roller coaster, but we got to see all the animals and Caleb had a blast playing with his aunts in the splash pool.  

Loving it!

Jensen?? Not so much ...

Looking at the gorillas with Memaw.

Aaron and Caleb inside the pop up window looking at the tigers. How thought they were so cool.

Caleb waiting to see Aaron, Nichole, Linda, and Jamie ride the roller coaster (the only one they got to ride all day)

The four of them on Scorpion.

Linda, Caleb, and Jamie.

He wasn't too sure about the frog at first, but he warmed up to him after seeing a couple other kids shake his hand.

We even got to see the newest babies!

Chowing down on some popcorn while watching the roller coasters.

Happy baby :)


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