Friday, October 28, 2011

Playing with Play Doh


When my sister came up to visit she brought a bunch of boxes that had been kept in my storage unit and, later on, my mom's house while we were in Germany. Along with the boxes of my things, my mom thought it would be fun to toss in a box full of play doh and some other play doh related toys. Thanks mom ....

Caleb wanted to play with it right away. He had fun for about 10 minutes and then ran off to play with some other toy. It was only when I decided to put it all away that he wanted to play with it again. 

A few days after my sister left I pulled some out so my mom can't say I never let him play with her gift ;) We started out making a cow ... 

Which turned into something that looked very much like Play Doh Henge. 

Jensen got to play with it for a few seconds before he tried eating it, so no more play doh for him.

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