Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Visit From Uncle DJ

JULY 31, 2011

Aaron's younger brother DJ came down from New York to visit for a week. Unfortunately it was also the week Aaron was in the field so they didn't get to spend too much time together. 

Since he was visiting his mom in Tampa, he came up on the train before heading back to NY. Aaron took Caleb to the station with him. He said Caleb was so excited to see all the trains and kept pointing them all out, yelling, "choo choo!". When they got back home he went on and on in his own little language about it (the only thing I could make out was "wow!" and "choo choo"). 

Even though Aaron was gone it was nice having someone here to keep us company. We didn't end up doing anything, but hopefully there will be a next time where we can find something fun.

Aaron and DJ setting up computer central in my dining room. 

Jensen watching them and trying to get in on what they are doing.

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