Friday, October 21, 2011

The Goods Have Arrived!!

I was so so excited when the day of delivery of our goods finally came around. I was looking forward to sleeping on a real mattress instead of the air mattress we'd been using for the last month and I know Caleb was happy to get all his toys back. It was sort of like Christmas for us with all the unwrapping and box opening.

Getting ready for the movers to come

Boxes from Caleb's room

Everything from the livingroom and boxes 

Being silly while the movers unloaded the truck


Taking a break from unpacking boxes to shoot each other

After a little unpacking ... it was everywhere.

Boxes in the diningroom ... piled almost to the ceiling.


A little surprise from our Germany movers. Thanks guys!

Sleeping on our bed for the first time since April was pretty amazing. I'm not sure I've ever been more excited to be laying on it. It's nice having couches and chairs to sit on instead of the hard floor. It's finally starting feel a little more like home.

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