Monday, October 31, 2011

Fishing & Park

When we first got to Hinesville and started looking for housing we stopped by a complex of townhouses that Aaron was interested in. The one that had been listed ended up being gone, but as we were leaving Aaron found a little pond with a track going around it and a park to the side of it. Ever since then he's been itching to get back over to it to see what's in there, but I'm not too fond of the area it's in so we've just always gone to Holbrook which is a little farther away. 

I finally gave in and we drove the 3 minutes over to the pond. Aaron brought his poles and Caleb "helped" him pick out a lure. 

Jensen and I sat and watched the two of them for a bit

Caleb really enjoys fishing with Daddy, but after a little while he gets bored and the play ground calls his name. The three of us ended up on the swings as usual while Aaron finished up on the water.

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